Love Marriage Specialist Astrologer +91-8800263430 - Mysore

Thursday, 7 June, 2012

Item details

City: Mysore, Karnataka
Offer type: Offer


Contact name s.k.shastri
Phone +91-8800263430

Item description

he Attraction towards the subject of Occult Sciences is not just restricted to knowing about the future of one’s life (like Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, vashikaran mantra etc) but, there are many other hidden aspects to it. Since last several years we as a group are actively involved and dedicated our life to master such forbidden arts. We aim to offer a very rare insider’s peek at the world of an ancient tradition of yogis, sages and tantrics, with a highly esoteric knowledge that is not available to all. Love Marriage Specialist Astrologer +91-8800263430